

Edition Details

  • Edition size :
  • Timed edition
  • Published On :
  • 02/22/2021
  • Artwork Dimensions :
  • 12.5 X 16.5 inches
  • Price On Release :
  • $ 100


Paco Pomet. Siege. Giclee Print. 12.5" x 16.5". Timed-release only, exclusive to Available February 22—March 1, 2021. A few years ago, when Paco Pomet was featured in our print edition, we called him the "surrealist adventurer," an extremely talented painter who is unafraid of adding a little bizarro world to each canvas. "My motivations come mainly from the everyday feeling of perplexity experienced when witnessing how the world insists on unfolding its meaningless features," Pomet told us. "As years go by, I find myself more and more misanthropic and skeptical. In any case, I won't let this invade my spirit entirely, for I can always rely on the redemption of art. In my work, I can always lead a chaotic drift to a safer land of meaning.".