Big Bad me



Edition Details

  • Edition size :
  • 101
  • Published On :
  • 12/04/2020
  • Artwork Dimensions :
  • 60 X 90 cm
  • Price On Release :
  • € 150


#bigbadme turns vandalism on its head and exposes it for what it is: welcome to the me age. Social media forces us all to create personal brands. The algorithm breaks down everything to the lowest common dominator: me. The last syllable of Millennial's most-loved brand Supreme has been cut and pasted all-over. Me me me me me... The #bigbadme project questions the cultural vandalism propagated brands such as Supreme and fans alike. Selling (or buying into) a dream of freedom and opportunity available to all. But is it?. "The project is a reflection of the times we live in, when people no longer can find the truth, and strive for instant gratification. Me subverts traditional advertising and brand marketing turning it back on itself. " - CANVAZ.