Bitchy Rich (Madness)



Edition Details

  • Edition size :
  • Limited not numbered
  • Published On :
  • 02/10/2018
  • Artwork Dimensions :
  • 8 inches
  • Price On Release :
  • $ 80


Remember Bitchy Rich? The infamous loudmouth is back and not just rich, but is also now the MAD Clown in Chief or Liar in Chief! To better suit his twisted tales, he has changed his appearance – now with bleached chalk-white skin, money-green hair, and his face permanently plastered with a devilish Glasgow smile. His bow tie is in a dark shade to match his heart as he goes about his selfish ways. How can the world withstand the poisonous MADNESS from this tiny sadistic man? The answer is in plain sight – by wielding stacks of dollar-bills. Watch him as he spew outrageous words and crack the joke of the century. A public exposed to his lies are left smiling grotesquely at his toxic entertainment. Love this jester for all the wrong reasons or hate his guts, he is here to spread MADNESS for a little longer...