Jon Burgerman

Jon Burgerman
Jon Burgerman


Jon Burgerman was born August 8, 1979, in Nottingham, UK. He studied art foundation in Bournville, solihull, Birmingham, England, and then Fine Art at Nottingham Trent University, he first went to Japan to see the artists to get ideas about what he could do for paintings. Burgerman has worked on artwork for a race-track on Sony's WipEout Pure PlayStation Portable video game and the book, Hello Duudle, made with Danish artist Sune Ehlers. He has produced designs for exhibition at the Science Museum in London, the Game On exhibition (2006-2007), and an exhibition about the Large Hadron Collider. He has collaborated with Media Molecule on DLC for LittleBigPlanet. In 2009, Burgerman teamed up with ustwo, a London based company, to create an iPhone application called Inkstrumental .