Giles Walker

Giles Walker
Giles Walker


Giles Walker is a scrap artist who has been transforming the industrial waste of contemporary society into fully functional robotic systems for over 20 years.A member of the prolific guerilla-art group THE MUTOID WASTE COMPANY, his kinetic robots affirm the value of creative intervention into throw-away capitalist culture and coherently reflect on the surveillance practices that mark our time, the complexity of current technologically mediated social relations and the ever dissolving boundary that separates man from machine.His work has been exhibited across the world, touring in Europe, Japan, Australia, Russia and Ukraine and was featured at the UK’s first Kinetica Art Fair in 2009.Previously his two cyborg pole dancers, a work entitled Peepshow, drew a sinister link between surveillance systems and voyeurism, were included in the V & A exhibition “Decode- Digital Design Sensations”, which showcased a selection of the foremost contemporary artists working in the field of digital and interactive design. Last year Giles exhibited "The Last Supper" an installation piece 1 year in the making that was then exhibited in LA and continues its tour in Europe in 2013.